
Science month

Este é o mes da ciencia e fixemos un experimento xuntos: fluido no newtoniano. É un tipo de fluido que se volve duro ao aplicarlle forza e líquido se se trata con delicadeza.

Ingredientes: maizena e auga. Colorante alimentario é opcional.

This month is science month and we did an experiment together: non-newtonian fluid. It's a type of fluid that becomes hard when force is applied and liquid if handled gently.

Ingredients: cornstarch flour and water. Food colouring is optional.




Co alumnado de 3 anos, estivemos aprendendo as cores en inglés (red, yellow, blue and green) a través de cancións e xogos, coma este de clasificar obxectos de clase segundo a cor.

We have been learning colours in English (red, yellow, blue and green) with the help of songs and games, like this one where students had to classify school objects according to their colour.